Exchange Students enter the Italian Upper Secondary School (Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado) at the age of 14 and it lasts five years. A typical Italian student is 19 when he or she enters university, while in the other countries 18 is the more common age.
Students participating in AFSAI Exchange Students Program at the upper Secondary School Program will join a 2nd, 3rd or 4th Year as a general rule. Schools do not accept placement of exchange students in 5th year. The School reserves the right to finally decide which year each participant should join and to make any changes depending on the progress the student makes during the course of the year.
The secondary school situation varies, since there are several types of schools differentiated by subjects and activities. The main division is between the Liceo, the Istituto Tecnico and the Istituto Professionale. Any kind of secondary school that lasts 5 years grants access to the final exam, called Esame di Maturità. This exam takes place every year between June and July and grants access to University.
A school day normally starts at 8 am and finishes at 01.30 pm and includes a 15 minutes’ break. Each class normally lasts 50 minutes. Many schools have classes on Saturday. Physical education classes are part of the school curriculum and it is generally compulsory for students to participate.
All classes have homework, this must be completed and turned in on time. Most students should study 1-2 hours or more each afternoon.
Seldom schools organize a program of sporting, social or cultural activities during/after school periods. These are generally free of charge.
We encourage foreign students to participate fully in the program of extracurricular activities as it is the best way to integrate into the school community and stay active.
All the schools participating in this program are Public Schools managed by local Education Authorities. Each school has its own code of discipline and its own policy on students’ appearance. Exchange Students are expected to respect and adhere to this code of discipline and policy.